Mittomonai (みっともない - disgraceful)

Jun 19, 2017 13:32
When I started wearing a suit, my shirt tail was often put out from my pants.

Every time my mother found it, and she told me "mittomonai" (みっともない).

Mittomonai is an adjective that means that something looks awkward or someone looks disgraceful.

This term comes from "mitakumonashi" (見たくもなし), the literal meaning of which is "I don't want to see it."

In the past, mittomonai was used to mean that you don't want to see something, but now it's mostly used in the meaning that something/someone looks disgraceful.





No. 1 IrishAlex's correction
  • Mittomonai (みっともない - disgraceful)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • When I started wearing a suit, my shirt tail was often put out from my pants.
  • When I started wearing a suit, the back of my shirt was often sticking out of my pants.
  • Every time my mother found it, and she told me "mittomonai" (みっともない).
  • Every time my mother saw it, she told me "mittomonai" (みっともない).
  • Mittomonai is an adjective that means that something looks awkward or someone looks disgraceful.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This term comes from "mitakumonashi" (見たくもなし), the literal meaning of which is "I don't want to see it."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In the past, mittomonai was used to mean that you don't want to see something, but now it's mostly used in the meaning that something/someone looks disgraceful.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
No. 2 MindOverMattress's correction
  • When I started wearing a suit, my shirt tail was often put out from my pants.
  • When I started wearing a suit, my shirt tail was often untucked from my pants.
     or "When I started wearing a suit, my shirt tail was often hanging outside of my pants."
  • Every time my mother found it, and she told me "mittomonai" (みっともない).
  • Every time my mother saw it, and she would say "mittomonai" (みっともない).
  • Mittomonai is an adjective that means that something looks awkward or someone looks disgraceful.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This term comes from "mitakumonashi" (見たくもなし), the literal meaning of which is "I don't want to see it."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In the past, mittomonai was used to mean that you don't want to see something, but now it's mostly used in the meaning that something/someone looks disgraceful.
  • In the past, mittomonai was used to mean that you don't want to see something, but now it's mostly used to mean that something/someone looks disgraceful.
     or "it's mostly used to say that something/someone looks disgraceful."
Thank you for sharing the origin of「みっともない」!
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)
No. 3 Dave's correction
  • Mittomonai (みっともない - disgraceful)
  • Mittomonai (みっともない - Ddisgraceful)
     It's not disgraceful that you remembered to include the English word/phrase in the title this time but it is disgraceful that you forgot to capitalize it. ;o)

    I agree with the rest of IrishAlex's suggestions. They were spot on.
Thank you so much for the correction!
Oh, I forgot to it. It's mittomonai.